Marriage Contracts


The firms strengths lie in its: accessibility; prompt and efficient legal services; modern and proactive approach; continued use of advanced equipment and technology and maintenance of the highest ethical standards.

For help or advice please contact us:
Tel: (043)701 4500

Commercial Law

Commercial Law and Corporate Law

Our team of dedicated Commercial Law attorneys are focused on the success and growth of your business. Providing value based legal services we act as your legal navigators and help you turn your most complex and intricate legal challenges into smart business solutions. We advise on and draft contracts for all aspects of corporate law and business law and focus on ensuring that our clients receive not only legally astute but also practical solutions.

Commercial law contracts

It is important for contracts to be drawn up and reviewed in the correct manner and for legal proceedings to be conducted effectively in case of a dispute. At Bate Chubb & Dickson Incorporated (commonly known as Bate Chubb) we offer assistance from seasoned professionals who will be able to enlighten you on the advantages and disadvantages of any contract to ensure that your interests are protected. We also represent clients in the negotiation of contracts and resolution of commercial disputes. Commercial law clients embarking on business ventures are advised on the most appropriate structures and the various issues and risks that need to be considered. Taxation implications of contracts and commercial structures are also carefully considered.

Our legal expertise includes but is not limited to:

  • advising on potential advantages and disadvantages on all types of contract;
  • drafting all types of contracts to ensure interests are protected;
  • advising on the best corporate structure for your business;
  • advising on the types of legal entities available;
  • advising on shareholder agreements, trust deeds and partnership agreements;
  • advising on best corporate governance practices.
For help or advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Angus Warren
Pieter van Zyl
Melanie Köpke
Castro Macozoma
Constitutional Law

Public and Constitutional Law

At Bate Chubb and Dickson Inc we provide comprehensive services pertaining to constitutional law and public law providing opinions and litigation assistance to government institutions as well as private individuals and non-governmental bodies.

Our Constitutional Law and Public Law expertise includes but is not limited to:

  • Arbitration and mediation;
  • Interpretation and enforcement of bylaws and related legislation;
  • Town planning schemes and town planning legislation;
  • Expropriation claims and disputes;
  • General advice;
  • Interpretation and draft of various statutes, ordinances, bylaws and regulations;
  • Judicial review of various administrative decisions;
  • Representation on aspects of the constitution of any matter relating to government or administrative law;
  • The recovery of property rates for municipalities;
  • Valuation and administrative appeals;
  • Land Use and Planning;
  • Tender and Procurement Law;
  • Regulatory and Compliance;
  • Housing; and
  • Environmental Law.
For help or advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Melanie Köpke
Criminal Law

Criminal lawyers in East London

The standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction in South African criminal law is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. This places an extremely high onus on the State to prove guilt, however, should they succeed the consequences are severe. Criminal conviction usually results in extremely high sanctions and depending on the crime can have a minimum sentence imposed. The overall effect does not only prejudice the convicted person, but also their family members. Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc focuses on ensuring that our clients are protected at every stage of criminal prosecution regardless of the severity of the charge.  We understand that criminal proceedings can often be a scary and confusing time for our clients and strive to offer professional assistance that instils confidence.

Our Criminal Law department are able to assist with, but not limited to:

  • 24 Hour Bail Applications at Police Stations;
  • Formal Bail Applications in all Courts;
  • Plea and sentence Agreements;
  • Formal Representations;
  • Criminal Litigation;
  • Review of setting aside of admission of guilt payments;
  • Expungement of Criminal Records;
  • Fraud, Theft & other Commercial Offenses;
  • Customs and Vat Related Offences;
  • Assault Charges;
  • Drug Related Offences;
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol; and
  • Other driving related offences.
Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Castro Macozoma
Debt Collection Lawyers

Debt Collection Lawyers in East London

Debt collection law is the legal way to recover your outstanding debt from debtors.  Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc offers specialist debt collection services through its associated company of Bate Chubb and Associates whose sole focus is to assist clients in extracting money owed to them in not only a legal manner but also in an expedient manner. These services allow you and your business to legally recover any outstanding payments, and that is done through fair, yet persistent means of communication, and if that does not materialise in the debts being settled, expedient legal action.

Debt collection lawyers department

Bate Chubb and Associates prides itself on having an efficient debt collection law department which has been proven to extract payments in settlement of debt from even the most stubborn of debtors. Being seasoned professionals we are quickly able to determine whether further legal action will be needed so as to advance a matter despite receiving the common “empty promises” from a debtor. Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Jason Chambers
Melanie Köpke
Estates law

Wills and Estates law

At Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc, our Wills and Estates attorneys have the necessary knowledge and experience to provide an estates law plan that suits your individual needs and protects your assets. We are experts throughout the process from drafting the Will, registering the Trust (if needed) and then ultimately administrating the estate in the best manner possible.

Estate planning

We will be able to advise you on all aspects of estate planning covering the drafting of wills, incorporation, registration and administration of trusts and financial management help to relieve the burdens of additional stress and costs for your family and other beneficiaries. We are able to assist with wills and estates, but not limited to:
  • drafting and safekeeping of wills;
  • estate planning;
  • testamentary and inter vivos trusts; and
  • deceased estate administration.
For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Lindesay Jones
Angus Warren
Family Law

Family Lawyers in East London

Family law is broader than just assisting clients with divorces but rather extends to the various disputes that may arise in relationships of a personal nature. Relationships can take on many facets - whether it be between married spouses, children and parents, co-habitees or same sex relationships. Sadly, relationships often deteriorate and this is accompanied by great uncertainty, financial loss and conflicting emotions. At Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc we assist clients in a wide range of personal issues that may arise and our staff are trained to handle every matter with the utmost respect, care and confidentiality.

Our services in Family Law include but are not limited to:

    • Adoption;
    • Care and contact towards minors;
    • Children’s Rights;
    • Civil unions and cohabitation agreements;
    • Curatorship;
    • Custody;
    • Divorces;
    • Domestic Partnerships;
    • Maintenance;
    • Mediation;
    • Parental Rights and Responsibilities; and
    • General family law advice.
    For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Jason Chambers
Melanie Köpke
Castro Macozoma
Insurance Recovery

Insurance recovery lawyers in East London

The service that we provide is designed to allow the insurer to focus on its core functions which include the generation of new business and servicing of existing clients, and in so doing, to operate more efficiently, generating an improved return on investment. This relieves the insurer of the “back office” function of recovery administration, which is well known amongst insurers to be a burden, consuming the time and efforts of administrators whose time can be utilised more appropriately in income generating activities. For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Jason Chambers
Melanie Köpke
Castro Macozoma
Insolvency Law

Insolvency, liquidation, judicial managements and schemes of arrangement. For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Jason Chambers
Pieter van Zyl
Labour Law

Labour Lawyers in East London

In Labour Law, whether you are an employee bringing a claim, or an employer defending a claim, the claim’s success or failure can often depend on whether or not the claim has been brought under the correct category, and also by knowing what can or can’t be claimed. With a growing body of labour legislation, employment legal advice needs to be informed and current so as to ensure that clients receive advice that is both practical and precise. It is therefore advisable to know your rights before you unnecessarily waste time, energy and money. Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc has a reputation for offering high quality services to our clients and has earned a solid reputation in representing clients in cases before the CCMA, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, High Court, Bargaining Councils and various Tribunals.

Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc offers labour law assistance to both employers and employees.


Companies of all sizes require specialist and practical legal advice and guidance on a wide range of labour law issues. Hiring and keeping quality employees is a key factor in the success of any business. This requires a professional personnel policy, providing proper terms of employment and paying attention to the development of employees. Putting in place the appropriate employment law policies and obtaining strategic and legal advice at an early stage will prevent needless problems and complications. The services that we offer to employers include but are not limited to:
  • On-boarding of employees;
  • Employment contracts;
  • Workplace policies;
  • Dismissal of employees;
  • Disciplinary hearings;
  • Retrenchments;
  • Settlement agreements; and
  • Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration services.


Our Labour Lawyers have the ability and resources to handle large and complex cases involving groups of employees. We are also skilled in advising employers and employees on how to manage and resolve problems through our assistance in mediation and alternative dispute resolution procedures. We are able to offer assistance to employees with the following issues:
  • Unfair dismissal disputes;
  • Retrenchment;
  • Strikes and lock-outs;
  • Sexual harassment in the workplace;
  • All forms of discrimination in the workplace;
  • Contracts of employment;
  • Restraints of trade;
  • Employment bonus schemes;
  • Workplace policies;
  • Workplace investigations;
  • Disciplinary hearings; and
  • Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration services
For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Pieter van Zyl
Melanie Köpke
Castro Macozoma

Litigation and dispute resolution

Litigation involves the legal process for settling those disputes or claims between and amongst natural persons, juristic persons and the State that requires objective determination. No person is immune against getting embroiled in legal disputes. Notwithstanding one's best efforts, once a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, you will need a litigation attorney to assist and represent you in resolving the dispute, either through skilled negotiations and a settlement or bringing your case before a court of law or other form of dispute resolution. Courts and adjudicators depend on attorneys to advise their clients of their rights and to represent them in an honest and skilful manner that advances the interest of the client at all times. Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc prides itself on both civil and criminal litigation with an emphasis on commercial disputes such as contractual and delictual claims, construction and engineering disputes, insurance and all forms of financial recoveries, business rescue and matrimonial and family matters. The litigation team covers a broad range of legal disputes and represents both corporate and individual clients. Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc has had a long history of providing excellent litigation services to its clients and is favoured as one of the top litigation firms in the country. We offer assistance in all courts in South Africa, inclusive of lower and higher courts.

Some of the areas of law that the litigation and dispute resolution department deals with are:

  • Arbitration, mediation and alternative dispute resolution;
  • Banking Law – insolvency, liquidations and business rescue;
  • Building, construction and engineering disputes;
  • Commercial, contractual and company disputes;
  • Copyright and trademark litigation;
  • Defamation and media law;
  • Financial recoveries, repossessions and foreclosures;
  • Insurance law;
  • Land claims, property and will disputes; and
  • Matrimonial, custody and family matters
For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Jason Chambers
Melanie Köpke
Pieter van Zyl
Castro Macozoma
Marriage Contracts

Marriage Contracts (Antenuptial contract)

It is often taken for granted that there are different marital regimes in South Africa and these regimes need to be understood completely by couples that are considering tying the knot before solemnizing the marriage. Failure to understand the different regimes and to choose correctly may result in potentially devastating consequences.

Antenuptial contracts

At Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc we offer the assistance of Notaries who are trained to not only advise you on the different regimes but to also assist in the preparation of an Antenuptial Contract. Contracts of this nature are extremely important and therefore require the assistance of a specialist which Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc prides itself on being able to offer. For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Angus Warren
Jason Chambers
Lindesay Jones
Pieter van Zyl

Property lawyers in East London

Conveyancing, property developments, township and sectional title registrations, valuation objections, bond registrations, servitudes and notarial agreements. For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Angus Warren
Lindesay Jones
Pieter van Zyl

Trusts Lawyers in East London

When choosing how to structure a business venture or even a family’s estate, client’s often elect to establish Trusts. When setting up your business or your family trust it important to seek professional guidance. Common reasons to establish a trust include tax planning and protecting property against insolvency or succession planning. Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc offers specialist advice on the advantages and disadvantages of trusts.

Our Trusts services include:

  • General advice on the benefits of establishing an inter vivos (by contract) or testamentary (in your will);
  • Assisting with the drafting of trusts;
  • Trust disputes;
  • Tax issues related to Trusts;
  • Trusts and Estate Planning;
  • Deceased Estates.
For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Angus Warren
Personal Injury lawyers

Personal injury lawyers in East London

At Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc our personal injury lawyers and medical malpractice attorneys offer aggressive legal representation to individuals, and family members of those who were injured, wronged or experienced damage at the hands of another in respect of their person, property, rights or reputation. We offer specialist experience in defending and pursuing personal injury claims with our attorneys having many years of experience in dealing with claims of this nature and being well known and well respected by our peers. We believe in advancing claims of this nature with haste and precision to ensure that all those that have been wronged by another party’s negligence receive the compensation that they rightfully deserve.

We are able to assist, but not limited to, the following:

  • Medical malpractice injuries;
  • Train or rail accidents;
  • Cases implicating birth injuries;
  • Burn injuries;
  • Construction injuries;
  • Dog bites;
  • Slip & fall injuries; and
  • Dangerous or defective products.
For help and advice please contact us: Tel: (043)701 4500 Email:

Melanie Köpke
Jason Chambers
Castro Macozoma

Bate Chubb & Dickson Inc. is one of the older law firms in the country and the impressive reputation that it has built over the years stems from its continued commitment to excellence.